Dr. Francisco Eduardo Haz Gómez will visit Faculty of Communication
Francisco Eduardo Haz Gómez will visit Vilnius university Faculty of Communication and read lectures on 4th and 6th February.
Francisco Eduardo Haz Gómez will visit Vilnius university Faculty of Communication and read lectures on 4th and 6th February.
Dear colleagues, we invite You to participate in graduation ceremony for Magisters of Vilnius university's Faculty of Communication. The event will take place on 23rd January, 3 PM at the Church of Sts. Johns (Šv. Jono st. 12).
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/659322458170684/
International Communication Master Thesis Defence will be held for two days – 14th and 15th January, 2020. Defence will take place in room 214 (Freskos) at Saulėtekio av. 9 (first building) at 09:00 for both days.
For more information, see the files below:
On the 3rd December, the Vilnius University SPEAR team organized meeting with potential change agents, who spread the SPEAR message and initiate implementation of GEPs in the pro-active faculties at the university.
We would like to invite you to respond to a survey regarding your experiences with research and innovation.
Christmas is coming! We can already feel it's spirit in the air. It’s all about love, family, kindness, and giving. This holiday is supposed to be a time of goodwill to all - including our animal friends. So, there's so much you can do this Christmas to give animals the gift of kindness!