Saulėtekis ave. 9, IIIrd building, 416 room

Saulėtekis ave. 9, Ist building, JR 212 room

Tel. +370 5 236 6105

Head of the Laboratory
Assoc. prof. dr. Andrius Šuminas



Research interests

  • Interactive and traditional media
  • Social media and social networking
  • Political communication
  • Publishing and marketing
  • Strategic management of cultural heritage digitisation
  • Strategic management of libraries and information services
  • Communication of cultural content in the digital age
  • Library management
  • Digital publishing and e-reading
  • Digital libraries, resources and services
  • Digital reading and media use for social inclusion
  • Media publishing and marketing, digital publishing, e-reading
  • Digital reading and media use for social inclusion
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information behaviour
  • Information and information quality management
  • Information service management
  • Media policy and regulation
  • Media economics and management
  • Media psychology and effects

Research projects carried out in 2018

Projects Supported by University Budget

Digital media usage, contexts and impact levels (public, organization and individual) basic and applied research. Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Šuminas. 2018– 2020.

The research aims to expand the boundaries of knowledge and carry out international research on the use of digital media in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign scientific, state institutions and business.

National Research

Research Council of Lithuania. Programme Welfare Society, 2 call. GER-002/2017. The stimulation of digital reading as a means of reduction in the digital divide. Head of the project E. Macevičiūtė; project participants – A. Gudinavičius, A. Šuminas, T.D. Wilson, Z. Manžuch, A. Aleksandravičius. 2017-2018.

The analysis of the potential of digital technologies for reduction of second and third level of digital inequalities was carried out. The means of reduction of digital divide by reading and digital reading were explored. The measures and indicators for measuring impact of digital means on reduction of inequalities were explored and selected for adaptation to the Lithuanian context. Two articles prepared and submitted for review in scholarly journals.

The partners for carrying out the experimental activity were sought and selected. The overall design of activities for experimental investigation was carried out together with the partners. The project to attract additional financing for the partners was submitted and it was successful. The final design of experimental activities and measuring their impact is under development.

Applied research project Analizės, modeliavimo ir rizikos valdymo kompetencijų centro (i.MAMC) įkūrimas on Lithuanian taxpayer behavior, being carried out together with the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate and financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds. Head of the project A. Stašionis; project coordinators – A. Gudinavičius, A. Šuminas; project participants – A. Aleksandravičius, J. Tamosynas. 2016–2019.

International Research Networking Projects

COST Action IS1404 E-READ. Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitization. 2014‒2018. The coordination activities are supported from the EU RTD Framework Programme. Dr. Anne Mangen (University of Stavanger, Norway).

The goal of this Action was to improve scientific understanding of the implications of digitization, hence helping individuals, disciplines, societies and sectors across Europe to cope optimally with the effects. Based on a multidimensional, integrative model of reading, and combining paradigms from experimental sciences with perspectives (e.g., diachronic) from the humanities, the Action develops new research paradigms and metrics for assessing the impact of digitization on reading. These metrics enable the development of evidence-based knowledge of paper and screen reading, and provide guidance for practitioners, policy makers, publishers and designers.

Researchers of the Digital Media Lab took part at the Action Management Committee, developed research of digital media. MC member – E. Macevičiūtė; MC substitute – A. Gudinavičius; participant – A. Šuminas.

COST Action CA16204 Distant Reading for European Literary History, 2017-2021. The coordination activities are supported by EU  Horizon 2020 project. COST member of the operational management committee (MC) – Arūnas Gudinavičius. COST Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee

(MC) – Andrius Šuminas.