Associate Professor, PhD Faculty of Communication Tel. +370 5 236 6113 0000-0003-2414-6277 Research interests
Scientific publications (eLABa)
Papers indexed by Clarivate Analytics Web of Science and/or Scopus
- Fomin, V. V., & Grigas, V. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender Studies. Information & Media, 98, VIII-XIII. https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2023.98.01
- Fomin, V., & Grigas, V. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue on Expressions of Information and Communication Theory and Practice. Information & Media, 95, VIII-XIII. https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2023.95.01
- Grigas, V., Gudinavičius, A., Petreikis, T., & Šuminas, A. (2023). An Exploratory Study into Professional Scholarly Journals Publishing Software Adoption in Lithuania. Information & Media, 96, 179–201. https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2023.96.73
- Gudinavičius, A., Grigas, V., Šuminas, A. & Petreikis, T. Scholarly Journal Publishers in a Small-Language Country: The Case of Lithuania. Pub Res Q (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-023-09968-8
- Grigas, V., & Gudinavičius, A. (2023). Book Publishing and Print Disabilities: The extent of book famine in Lithuania. Logos, 34(1), 61-70. https://doi.org/10.1163/18784712-03104059
- Gudinavičius, A., Grigas, V. Two Decades of E-Book Publishing in a Small Language Market: Publishers Lag Behind Pirates. Pub Res Q 38, 490–502 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12109-022-09894-1
- Enwald, H., Grigas, V., Rudžionienė, J. & Kortelainen, T. (2022). Data sharing practices in open access mode: a study of the willingness to share data in different disciplines. Information Research, 27(2), paper 932. Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/27-2/paper932.html (Archived by the Internet Archive at https://bit.ly/3QkOu0I)
- Grigas, V., Mierzecka, A., Tomori, T., Koltay, T. (2022). Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes to Information Literacy in Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. In: Kurbanoğlu, S., Špiranec, S., Ünal, Y., Boustany, J., Kos, D. (eds) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ECIL 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1533. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-99885-1_57
- Gudinavičius, A. and Grigas, V. (2022), "Causes and consequences of unauthorized use of books: readers, authors, and publishers' perspective", Online Information Review, Vol. 46 No. 5, pp. 886-903. https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-03-2021-0133
- Grigas, V. and Gudinavičius, A. (2022), "Stakeholders’ perceptions of book piracy’s benefits to society in Lithuania", Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Vol. 71 No. 6/7, pp. 605-618. https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-08-2020-0118
- Grigas V., Gudinavičius A. and Černevičiūtė E. (2021). Use of Illegally Distributed Books in Lithuania. Informacijos mokslai, 910, pp. 83-99. doi: https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2021.91.53.
- Grigas, V.; Miezecka, A.; Tomori, T.; Koltay, T. (2019) Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes to Information Literacy: A Study of A Questionnaire Validity. In: Kurbanoğlu, S. et al. (eds.) Information Literacy in Everyday Life. ECIL 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 989. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-13472-3_34
- Rudžionienė, J.; Grigas, V.; Enwald, H.; Kortelainen, T. (2018). Drop out Factors in Data Literacy and Research Data Management Survey: Experiences from Lithuania and Finland. Informacijos mokslai, 82, p. 115–130. https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2018.82.8
- Grigas, V.; Mierzecka, A.; Fedosejevaitė, R. (2018). School Librarians’ Attitudes Towards Teaching Information Literacy. In: Kurbanoğlu S.; Boustany J.; Špiranec S.; Grassian E.; Mizrachi D.; Roy L. (eds). Information Literacy in the Workplace. ECIL 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 810, p. 703–712. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-74334-9_72
- Grigas, V.; Juzėnienė, S.; Veličkaitė, J. 'Just Google it' – the scope of freely available information sources for doctoral thesis writing. Information Research, 22(1), 2017, paper 738. Prieiga per internetą: http://InformationR.net/ir/22-1/paper738.html (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/6oGbvQyHa)
- Grigas, V.; Fedosejevaitė, R.; Mierzecka, A. (2017). Librarians as Educators: Affective Dimensions Experienced in Teaching. In: Kurbanoğlu S.; Boustany J.; Špiranec S.; Grassian E.; Mizrachi D.; Roy L.; Çakmak T. (eds). Information Literacy: Key to an Inclusive Society. ECIL 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 676, p. 619–633. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-52162-6_61
Peer reviewed papers
- Tomori, Tímea, Koltay, Tibor, & Grigas, Vincas (2020). A középiskolai tanárok viszonya az információs mûveltség hez Magyarországon, Lengyelországban és Litvániában. Könyvtári Figyelő, 4, 637–644. Paper.
- Grigas, Vincas; Balčiūnaitė, Lina. Mokymosi bendrijos raiška akademinėje bibliotekoje: Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos atvejis [Manifestation of learning commons in academic library: case study of Vilnius University Libraryhttps://doi.org/10.15388/kn.v63i0.4002">https://doi.org/10.15388/kn.v63i0.4002 (for summary in English see page 234).
- Grigas, Vincas. Research Methodology Enabling to Determine Study Programmes Ability to Produce the Librarians as Educators. QQML - e-journal, 2013, Nr. 2, p. 175–194.
- Grigas, Vincas. Sistemų teorijos taikymas kuriant bibliotekininko edukatoriaus ugdymo koncepcinį modelį profesionalius bibliotekininkus rengiančioje studijų programoje [Application of System theory in the development of conceptual model for training librarian-educator within the framework of professional librarian study programmehttps://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2011.0.3121">https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2011.0.3121. (for summary in English see page 20).
Other papers in peer reviewed journals
- Grigas, V., & Žiemelis, D. (2021). The Journal ‘Relevant Tomorrow’ Continues and Updates the Tradition of the Scholarly Publishing of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. Relevant Tomorrow, 1(19), 8–13. https://doi.org/10.51740/RT.1.19.1
- Grigas, Vincas. Matematinio tikslumo kūrybingumas bibliotekininkystėje: in memoriam Vitai Mozūraitei (1960–2014). Knygotyra, 2014, t. 63, p. 344–351. https://doi.org/10.15388/kn.v63i0.3994.
- Grigas, Vincas. Bibliotekininko vaidmuo informacinio raštingumo ugdymo kontekste [Librarians' role in the context of information literacy education]. Bibliografija 2010–2011: mokslo darbai, 2013, p. 68–79. ISBN 978-609-405-071-8.
- Content moderation by Facebook as another weapon in the context of Russia's war in Ukraine]. Debunk. [Prepared by Debunk analysts Mykolas Kralikas and Laima Venclauskiene, researchers at the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University, Vincas Grigas, Daiva Siudikienė, Andrius Šuminas, Justina Zamauskė]. 13 February 2023 Link: https://www.debunkeu.org/lt/facebook-vykdomas-turinio-moderavimas-kaip-dar-vienas-ginklas-rusijos-karo-ukrainoje-kontekste
- Regulations of the National Archive Fund for Published Documents (Expert evaluation of draft document, 2021)
- Drafting of the update of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the number of compulsory copies of documents and their transfer to libraries and the description of the procedure for the submission, storage and use of the compulsory copy of documents (member of the working group, 2021)
- Professional Standard for the Education Sector (Expert evaluation of draft document, 2018)
- Strategic directions for the strategic development of libraries 2016-2022 (Expert evaluation of draft document, 2015) PDF
Research Projects
- Lithuanian Council for Culture – Protecting eBooks from piracy. Situation in Lithuania 2023. Report (in Lithuanian).
- Research of Lithuanian Library for the Blind Literature and information for community of visually impaired people, 2014.
- School Pedagogy in general and in Information Society. Leader of research group – prof. habil. dr. Tibor Koltay. Member of the research group – dr. Vincas Grigas. EFOP-3.6.1.-16.2016-00001 „Complex Development of Research Capacities and Services ar Esterhazy Karoly University" project. 2016-2019.
- European Union Horizon Programme COST activity CA19119 Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area, 2020–2024. Member of COST activity management committee (MC).
- European Union Horizon Programme COST activity CA16204 Distant Reading for European Literary History, 2017–2021. Member of COST activity management committee (MC).
- Lithuanian Council for Culture – Technological and ethical antecedents of book piracy. Report (in Lithuanian). 2018-2019.
- Lithuanian Council for Culture – Supply of legally and illegally distributed Lithuanian e-books. Report (in Lithuanian). 2021
- The Association of Lithuanian Serials – Lithuanian scholarly journals in 2020 - publishing technologies, open access, and databases. Report (in Lithuanian). 2021.
- Lithuanian Research Council. Publication of Lithuanian scholarly journals from the point of view of scientific communication. P-MIP-22-20. 2022-2024.
- CA COST Action CA19119 – Investigation on comics and graphic novels in the iberian cultural area. 2020-2024 m.
- Lithuanian Research Council. Publication of scholarly journal "Informacijos mokslai". S-LIP-22-50. 2022-2024 m.
Presentations in scientific conferences
International conferences
- Who cares? Defining Citation Style in Scholarly Journals. Crossref LIVE Annual. 31 October 2023 (online).
- Scholarly Journal Publishers in Small Language Country: the Case of Lithuania. International research conference The periodicals and a changing society. The 200th anniversary of the lithuanian periodical press. 19-20 October 2023, Vilius, Lithuania.
- An Exploratory Study into Maturity of Scholarly Journals Publishing Technologies in Lithuania. International research conference “The Periodicals and a Changing Society. The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”. Vilnius, 19–20 October, 2023 (online conference).
- Gudinavičius, Arūnas; Grigas, Vincas. Scholarly Journal Publishers in Small Language Country: the Case of Lithuania. International research conference “The Periodicals and a Changing Society. The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”. Vilnius, 19–20 October, 2023 (online conference).
- Two decades of ebook publishing in a small language market: publishers vs pirates. International conference of the European Publishing Studies Association “By the Book 7. Publishing in the 21th Century”. Paris, 20–21 June, 2022.
- ‘Frankly, my dear, I don`t give a damn’: accessibility of books in Lithuania. By the Book 7. 20-21 June 2022. Paris, France.
- Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes to Information Literacy in Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL) 2021. Bamberg, Vokietija.
- Open Research Data and Openness: Views of Scholars in Finland and Lithuania. European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL) 2021. Bamberg, Vokietija.
- Could book piracy have a positive side. What do readers, authors, and publishers think? International conference „Kaip pasikeitėme per dvidešimt metų“. 2020. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Illegal book usage from the point of view of readers, publishers and authors. International conference By the Book 6: Power Dynamics in Publishing. 26-27 June, 2019, Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy.
- Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes to Information Literacy: A Pilot Study of a Multinational Survey. 6th international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 24–27 September, 2018, Oulu, Finland. Abstract on page 36.
- Drop Out Factors in Data Literacy and Research Data Management Survey: The Vilnius University Experience. 6th international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 24–27 September, 2018, Oulu, Finland. Abstract on page 85.
- Predominant Information Seeking Tools on the Agenda of Librarians and Students. International scientific conference Communication and Information Sciences in Networked Society: Experiences and Insights. IV. 14–15 June, 2018.
- School Librarians’ Attitude towards Teaching Information Literacy. The fifth international scientific conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 18–21 September, 2017, Saint-Malo, France. Abstract on page 54.
- Affective Dimensions of Librarians as Educators. The fourth international scientific conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 10–13 October, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract on page 73.
- Manifestation of Learning Commons in Academic Library: Case Study of Vilnius University Library. The eight international scientific conference Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference QQML, University of London, 24–27 May, 2016, London, United Kingdom. Abstract on page 87.
- Evidence-based Library and Information Practice in Preparing Information Literacy Course for PhD Students. International scientific conference Communication And Information Sciences In Network Society: Experience And Insights. III, 9–10 June, 2016, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Using Citation Analysis to Develop Information Literacy Cource for PhD Students. The third international scientific conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 19–22 October, 2015, Estonia, Tallinn. Abstract on page 52.
- I Didn’t Use the Library, I Googled It”: Using Citation Analysis in Doctoral Dissertations to Identify the Use of Library Resources. International scientific conference An academic library of generation Z: services, spaces and technologies, 15 October, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Use of information sources for argumentation: a case study of Presidential election campaign 2014 in Lithuania. International scientific conference Communication and Information Sciences in Network Society: Experience and Insights. II, 19–20 June, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Lithuanian classical fiction ebooks: librarian’s approach. International scientific conference Communication and Information Sciences in Network Society: Experience and Insights. II, 19–20 June, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Evaluation of the Librarian-Educatorʼs Training Conceptual Model. International scientific conference 6th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference QQML 2014, Kadir Has University, 27–30 May, 2014, Turkey, Istanbul. Abstract on page 53.
- The Preparedness of Librarians to Undertake Educational Activities in the Context of Civic Literacy Development. International scientific conference „IFLA Satellite Pre-Conference Information for Civic Literacy“, 8–10 August, 2012, Latvia, Riga.
- Librarian as educator – future perspective or reality? International scientific conference Naujos kartos mokyklos biblioteka, Education Development Center, 6–7 August, 2012, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Research Methodology Enabling to Determine the Study Programmes Ability to Produce the Librarians as Educators. International scientific conference 4th Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 22–25 May, 2012, Ireland, Limerick. Abstract on page 129.
- Education Opportunities of Librarian as Educator in Lithuania. International scientific conference Komunikacijos ir informacijos mokslai tinklaveikos visuomenėje: patirtys ir įžvalgos, Vilnius University, 16–18 June, 2011, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Librarian as Educator: Contemporary Trends and Issues Due to Changing Nature of Higher Education Area. International scientific conference 60th scientific conference of post-graduates and students, Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts Library and Information Faculty, 13–15 April, 2011, Russia, St. Petersburg.
National conferences
- Atvirai pasakius man nerūpi. Knygų prieinamumas Lietuvoje. National conference „Knygos kelias: nuo knygnešių iki modernios bibliotekos“. Pasvalys Marius Katiliškis public library. 10 Nowember 2022. Pasvalys.
- Bibliotekininkų požiūris į užsiėmimą informacinio raštingumo dėstymu. National scientific conference „Informacijos ir komunikacijos teorijos ir praktikos raiškos' 2017“, 24 March 2017, Vilnius.
- Bibliotekininko kaip autoriteto apie autoritetus krizė tinklažmogių apsuptyje. National scientific conference Vaclovo Biržiškos skaitymai 2014. Asmenybės raiška: nuo XVIII a. bibliotekininkų iki XXI a. tinklažmogių, 2 December, 2014, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Lietuvių literatūros klasikos elektroninių knygų kokybė vartotojo požiūriu arba kaip Maironiui sekasi „Nook“ knygų skaityklėje. National scientific conference Lietuvių literatūros klasikos kūrinių perkėlimas į elektroninę erdvę, 15 March, 2014, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Sistemų teorijos taikymas kuriant bibliotekininko edukatoriaus ugdymo sistemą. National scientific conference Sugrąžinta praeitis: prof. Levo Vladimirovo fenomenas ir mokslinių idėjų sklaida, Vilnius University Library, 15–16 November, 2012, Lithuania, Vilnius.
Scientific seminars
- Building Evidence Into Subject Librarians Training: Existential Angst About the Bigger Picture. International seminar Defining Reserach Libraries to Implementing 21st Century Research Universities, Tartu University, 18–19 May, 2015, Estonia,Tartu.
- Dalyko bibliotekininkų kompetencijų ugdymas: VU bibliotekos atvejis. Vilnius University Library national seminar Dalyko bibliotekininkų kompetencijos: teorija ir praktika, 10 December, 2014, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Opening of the Information Resources for Science, Research and Studines. International seminar Informational Services for Research Process, Latvia University Library, 14–16 April, 2014, Latvia, Riga.
- Development Teaching Skills for the Librarian as Educator in the Educational Process of Information Users. NORSLIS seminar Methods and methodologies in information studies, Vilnius University, 14–18 November, 2011, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Ethical Use of Information in Lithuania: Case of Librarianship Students. Seminar Utrecht Network Staff training week 2011 – Workshop for university librarians, University of Iceland, 17–22 November, 2011, Iceland, Reykjavik.
- Theory, Methods and Models of Training of Librarians as Educators. NORSLIS seminar Workshop on Theories, Methodologies and Research Methods in Information Studies, University of Tallinn, 23–27 November, 2007, Estonia, Tallinn.
Academic Qualification
- Social Sciences doctoral dissertation Librarian-educator training model in the learning society, defended in 2013.
PhD thesis summary in PDF.
Qualification Advancements
Research Visits, or Participated in Scientific or Pedagogical Exchange Programmes
- ERASMUS staff mobility HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, 2024.Leipzig, Germany.
- ERASMUS staff mobility HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, 2022.Leipzig, Germany.
- Training School on Corpus design and text contribution for ELTeC. COST Action: CA16204. 2019 m. Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary.
- ERASMUS staff mobility Scholarly publishing in Croatia, 2019 m., Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia).
- Training School on Tool Adaptation and Theoretical Concepts. COST Action: CA16204. 2018 m. National University Of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
- ERASMUS staff mobility Scholarly publishing tendentions in Europeam University Presses, 2018 m., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (Germany).
- ERASMUS staff mobility European Library and Documentation Staff Week on support and training for researchers, training staff, Master and PhD students in Europe, 2017 m., Toulouse Capitole University, Toulouse (France).
- Vilnius university library education program for subject librarians: Aspects of adults’ educations, setting objectives and evaluation of education, planning and preparing of training programme, innovative training methods, creativity in the education process. Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy. June of 2015.
- ERASMUS staff mobility Library Staff Development and Training, University of Bologna, 2014, Italy, Bologna.
- Utrecht Network staff training week Electronic Access and Information Literacy Practices, User Education, Information Ethics and Plagiarism, University Library of Iceland, 2011, Iceland, Reykjavik.
- NORSLIS Methods and Methodologies in Information Studies, Vilnius University, 2011, Lithuania, Vilnius.
- Project IPBib Vienna 2010, University of Vienna, 2010, Austria, Vienna.
- NORSLIS Workshop on Theories, Methodologies and Research Methods in Information Studies, Tallinn University, 2009, Estonia, Tallinn.
Publications for studies
- Rašto darbų metodiniai nurodymai / Ingrida Girnienė, Vincas Grigas, Jolanta Mažylė, Tomas Petreikis, Martynas Petrikas, Marija Stonkienė. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2018. – 53 p. ISBN 978-609-07-0071-6. PDF.
- Grigas, Vincas; Šuminas, Andrius; Gudinavičius, Arūnas, Grigaliūnas, Modestas. Šiuolaikinės medijos ir informacija: požeminiai garažai Google karalystėje. Vilnius : Akademinė leidyba, 2016. – 248 p. ISBN 978-9955-33-700-3. Book excerpt PDF.
- Grigas, Vincas; Šuminas, Andrius; Gudinavičius, Arūnas, Grigaliūnas, Modestas. Šiuolaikinės medijos ir informacija: metodinė priemonė bibliotekininkams. Vilnius : Akademinė leidyba, 2016. – 26 p. ISBN 978-9955-33-702-7. PDF.
Participation in scientific conferences committees
- Organizing and Programme Committees member of the International research conference „The periodicals and a Changing Society. The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press”, Vilnius, Lithuania, 19–20 October, 2023.
- Programme Committee member of the eighth international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2023, Krakow, Poland.
- Programme Committee member of the seventh international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2021, Bamberg, Germany.
- Programme Committee member of Vilnius university Faculty of Communication international scientific conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. IV, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Programme Committee member of the sixth international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2018, Oulu, Finland. Book of Abstracts.
- Programme Committee member of the fifth international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2017. Saint-Malo, France. Book of Abstracts
- Programme Committee member of the fourth international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Book of Abstracts.
- Programme Committee member of the third international conference European Conference on Information literacy (ECIL), 2015, Estonia, Tallinn. Book of Abstracts.
- Programme committee member of national scientific conference V. Biržiškos skaitymai. Library as a participatory institution, 2015, Birštonas, Lithuania.
- Programme and organizing committee member of international scientific conference An Academic Library of Generation Z: Services, Spaces and Technologies, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Programme and organizing committee member of national scientific conference V. Biržiškos skaitymai, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Programme and organizing committee member of national scientific conference (un)conference Rock&roll librarian 2010: a forum of librarianship ideas!, 2010, Utena, Lithuania.
Editorial board member of the journals
- Editor -in-chief of Relevant Tomorrow from 2021. ISSN 2669-2899 (online)
- Member of editorial board of Information & Media from 2021. ISSN 2783-6207 (online)
- Member of editorial board of scientific papers volume Bibliotheca Lituana III. ISSN 2424-3477. 2015.
- Member of editorial board of scientific papers volume Bibliotheca Lituana IV. ISSN 2424-3477. 2016.
Expert and other activities
- National Open Science reviewer (swissuniversities)
- Crossref Ambassador
- Expert at Research Council of Lithuania
- Expert at Slovak Research and Development Agency
- Member of Lithuanian Library Council
- President of The Association of Lithuanian Serials
- Member of SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing)
- Member of Mažvydo skaitymo klubas
- Member of The Lithuanian Riflemen's Union
- Board Member at Crossref