We invite you to the International Research Conference „The periodicals and a changing society“, 19-20 October. The conference will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Lithuanian periodical press and will discuss research on the historical changes of periodicals and their heritage, the peculiarities of today's publishing and distribution of periodicals, and the major changes in contemporary periodical publishing facing networked societies in the Baltic region and beyond.
The second day of the conference will bring together academical periodical researchers and publishing practitioners implementing the latest digital publishing solutions.
Presentations will be given by researchers and periodical publishing practitioners from the UK, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Serbia and Finland.
The conference will be held remotely. Guests will have the opportunity to listen to presentations and take part in discussions without pre-registration and participation fees.
The conference is organised by the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University in cooperation with the Lithuanian Association of Scientific Periodicals and Crossref (USA).
More information about the conference: https://www.ibsc2023.kf.vu.lt/
Programme: https://www.ibsc2023.kf.vu.lt/lt/programa/