On Thursday, 21 September, the Faculty of Communication will host Associate professor Jennifer C. Thomas, a long-time CNN producer and now Associate Professor at Howard University (USA).
13:00 Open lecture „When Facts Are Not Enough: How To Sustain Journalism In An Era of Disinformation“, for all interested students, Room 217.
17:00 Masterclass „Back to the Future: Focusing on the F.A.C.T.s for Emerging Journalists“, Room 204. Registration is required for the workshop, places are limited, and priority will be given to Master's and Bachelor's final year students if there is a high level of interest.
To register, please visit Microsoft Forms
The world of journalism is undergoing a major shift. Disinformation, distrust in the media, and the deluge of information on digital and social media platforms can make journalism seem like a daunting field. However, the lecturer says that the need for top-notch journalists is greater than ever before.
By participating in this master class, you will gain valuable knowledge, practical skills, and a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in your journalism career. The lecturer's aim is to empower you to thrive in this dynamic field and become a force for positive change through your reporting.
Lecturer Thomas's commitment to journalism education, recognized by the Scripps Howard Foundation 2019 Teacher of the Year award, highlights her dedication to shaping the next generation of journalists.
More about lecturer: www.jennifercthomas.com