We invite you to training-workshops on research methods (for master's students, doctoral students and other researchers). The training will be conducted by Rimvydas Laužikas, professor of the Faculty of Communication of VU, and Konstantinos Dallas, professor of the University of Toronto and VU Faculty of Communication.

Tyrimo metodai. Pavasario dirbtuvės 2023 1

The training will take place at Saulėtekis av. 9, Palace I, 214 auditorium.
Tuition is free for VU researchers, doctoral and master's students. 
For inquiries: Agnė Zumbrickaitė, Head of Science Administration, e-mail: 
Registration form HERE

Training program

9:00 - 10:30 - I part of trainings

half an hour coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 – II part of trainings

Friday, 26 May, prof. Konstantinos Dallas (in English)

Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis in communication research

Using examples from qualitative interviewing, textual content, and interactions on social media, this workshop introduces fundamental methodological considerations and practical aspects of conducting a qualitative data analysis (QDA) study. It introduces software tools for qualitative data analysis, and provides guidance on building a provisional code system suitable for different kinds of research topics and approaches, on the data coding process, and on computer-assisted analysis and visualisation. No prior technical experience is assumed.

Wednesday, 21 June, prof. Rimvydas Laužikas (in Lithuanian)

Application of collocation analysis in communication and information science research

Huge amounts of various textual data (content of social networks, scientific publications, media texts, digitized historical sources, language corpora) can be collected on the Internet. We can use various methods of content analysis for their research. In this seminar, we will talk about one of them - collocation analysis. An example of one such study will be presented. The aim of the study was to determine for which non-professional audiences and why the knowledge of archeology is relevant.