
The Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University, in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University and the global organization for development and education IREX, invites to listen to presentations at the international student conference "Be part of the solution: information heatwave, media and contemporary society".

The conference will take place remotely on May 10 in Vilnius.

 The conference aims to bring together students and graduates of international communication and information sciences to share research and insights into the current state and changes in the media and information environment. The conference focuses on the special situation in the Baltic States.

Post topics:

  • Political communication problems
  • Challenges of fact-checking in journalism
  • Information warfare
  • Propaganda
  • Legal gray area in communication
  • Disinformation in the field of media
  • Fake news
  • Quality in media literacy
  • The challenges of societal change for media and information literacy
  • Media and journalism policies and agendas
  • Challenges for contemporary journalism
  • Awareness and vulnerability issues for journalists and media professionals
  • Communication in the post-pandemic world

Conference program

Book of abstarcts

Conference broadcasts link

If you have any questions, please email by mail