Zachary J. McDowell paskaita

Assist. prof. Zachary J. McDowell will visit Vilnius unviersity Faculty of Communication on 28th October. Students who study Analytical journalism (2nd course), International Communication (English; 1st and 2nd courses) and ERASMUS+ students are invited to attend Assist. Prof. Zachary J. McDowell lecture „Wikipedia community as communicative resilience“.

Zachary J. McDowell is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the Department of Communication. His work focuses on access and advocacy in digitally mediated spaces. His work intersects with areas of information access, digital literacy, security, public policy and digital culture. He is also a founder and Editor of an Open Access journal communication +1.

Lecture will be held at 5 PM on 28th October in Faculty of Communication, Skirmantas Valiulis media center, Maironio st. 7, Vilnius.