mini Ukrainos krizė 2014 anglThe scientific conference „The Ukraine crisis in the modern-day information space” programme

December 4, 2014


The scientific conference “The Ukraine crisis in the modern-day information space” is a three-part event dedicated to studying the problems of European communication which emerged as a result of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. From the point of view of communication theories these problems could be identified as internal and external. But most important is to discuss the aspects of information space against a background of the Ukraine crisis which revealed the problems of international communication: what are the strengths and weaknesses of information technologies in the communication of governmental institutions with the public, why are the members of the public susceptible to negative (destructive) information, how the methods of information warfare are changing  and why information politics is part of the real international politics.

Being aware that the Ukraine crisis is one Europe’s crises and presents a challenge for the whole continent, the organisers of the event, communication and political science experts should not only seek solutions but also provide recommendations how to develop information politics that would be beneficial to the European society.

The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University (Vilnius), the Institute of National Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University (Kiev), the Institute of Journalism of University of Warsaw and the Institute of Media Education and Journalism of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (Warsaw).

Programme is here.