VU KF Department of Book, Media and Publishing Studies will organise an international reasearch conference: "THE PERIODICALS AND A CHANGING SOCIETY. The 200th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Periodical Press", in more detail read –

October 19 (Thursday) MS Teams
9:00–9:20 Opening of the conference, welcome speeches
9:20–15:10 Parallel sessions

1 session. History, historiography and bibliography of periodical

Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aile Möldre

2 session. Heritage of periodicals and digitalisation

Moderated by Dr. Teuvo Laitila

9:20–9:45 Tiiu Reimo
The Emergence of the Estonian Language Periodical Press
Arvydas Pacevičius
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Dissemination of Scientific Periodicals in Lithuania in the First Half of the 19th Century: the Case of Vilnius University



Monika Łękawska
Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
From Spy to Editor – Newsboys of Elżbieta Sieniawska née Lubomirska, Castellan of Kraków (d. 1729)
Eglė Akstinaitė-Veličkienė
Vilnius University Library, Lithuania
Ex amore erga Vilnam: J. Kazlauskaitė's Bibliographical indexes on Vilnius periodicals
10:10–10:35 Birutė Railienė
Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania
Wiadomości Brukowe (1816–1822) in Vilnius – the First Satirical Weekly Paper in Lithuania
Liisa Näpärä, Erno Liukkonen
National Library of Finland, Finland
Unlocking the Potential of Creating Customized Datasets from the Periodicals
10:35–11:00 Coffee break
11:00–11:25 Dragana Grujic
University of Belgrade, Serbia Bibliographers as Editors of Serbian Journals During the 19th Century
Rima Cicėnienė
Vilnius University; Wroblewski Library of the LAS, Lithuania
Non-print Periodicals in the Wroblevski Library: what does the Collection Tell about the History of Publishing in Lithuania?
11:25–11:50 Greta Kėvelaitienė
Panevėžys County Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Public Library, Lithuania
Shapirographed Periodical Literature in Panevėžys region (1918–1945)
Tuula Pääkkönen
National Library of Finland, Finland
The Years of Digitization and Usage of Periodicals in National Library of Finland
11:50–12:50 Lunch time

3 session. Periodicals and society groups

Moderated by Dr. Rima Cicėnienė

4 session. Market of periodicals and publishing statistics

Moderated by Prof. Dr. Zoran Velagič

12:50–13:15 Teuvo Laitila
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Finnish Nationalist Newspaper Representations of Border Karelian women, 1899–1914
Aile Möldre
Tallinn University, Estonia
Serialised Novels in Estonian Newspapers in the Beginning of the 20th Century: From Development to Corruption of Literary Taste?
13:15–13.40 Aušra Kairaitytė-Užupė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
On the Margins of Periodicals: Informal Publications of the Lithuanian Youth of the Nineties
Sławomir Gawroński
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland
The Economic Future of the Printed Press in Poland
13.40–14.05 Fausta Kepalienė, Aušra Navickienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
The Open Access Journals and Lithuanian Scholars' Publishing Behaviour
Tomas Petreikis
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Quantitative Changes in Publishing of Lithuanian Scholarly Journals in 2015–2022: Statistics and Science policy
14.05–14.30 Gordana Djokovic
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Academic Publishing and Open Science at the University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Nijolė Bliūdžiuvienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Statistics Data on Periodicals Publishing Industry Between Keepers and Users
14.30–15.00 Closing discussion of the first day of the conference