Saulėtekio ave. 9, Ist building
603 room

Tel. +370 5 236 6119

Head of the Department
prof. dr. (HP) Zenona Atkočiūnienė


  • Communication and Information Theory
  • Information Interaction in Society
  • Knowledge Society
  • Examination the Efficiency of Human Communication Processes
  • Impact of Information Technologies on the Change of Knowledge Society

Projects Supported by University Budget

Information and Knowledge Management Activities in Promoting Innovation in the Context of the Information Society Development. Prof. Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė. 2017–2020.

The purpose of the research was to examine the efficiency of human communication processes and the impact of information technologies on the change of knowledge society. The theme of the research was pursued by carrying out theoretical and applied research on organisational communication, public relations, information and knowledge management and information technologies. In 2018 under research goals the national scientific conference Information and Communication Expressions of Theory and Practice’ 2018  was organised.

Saulėtekis ave. 9, IIIrd building
420 room

Tel. +370 5 219 3028

Head of the Centre
Assoc. prof. dr. Lijana Stundžė



  • Implementation of gender equality in Lithuania: gender equality policies
  • Women‘s rights
  • Human rights
  • Gender and communication
  • Gender and law
  • Disabled women
  • Sociology of gender: gender in different social institutions; ethics of academic/research activities

Projects Supported by University Budget

Gender issues representations and disseminations in different socio-cultural contexts.  Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Stundžė. 2018-2021.

Gender studies is versatile research field which encompasses gender equality and human (women’s men’s, queer, other) rights; women, men, and queer studies; historical component of gender and social gender movements; gender dimension in different socio-cultural institutions (family, education, economics, politics, medicine, etc.) and socio-cultural contexts (national states, subcultures, professions, etc.); gender related implications on micro (individual), meso (organizational, communal),  and macro (national, regional, global) levels; and many other. Thus, the field outspreads on numerous gender and related theories as well as on the feminist and other ontological, epistemological, and methodological developments. On the other hand, in terms of social policy, the field directly relates to the main ideas and societal goals of strengthening democracy, implementing overall equality, developing knowledge-based society, and other.