ZI 20171012 NenenoInstitute of Journalism. Photo by Andrius Nenėnas (2017)Bernardinų st. 11, Vilnius

Tel. +370 5 219 3041


Contact person

spec. Jurga Marija Taraškevičienė



ZI 20171012 NenenoInstitute of Journalism. Photo by Andrius Nenėnas (2017)Bernardinų st. 11, Vilnius

Tel. +370 5 219 3041


Contact person

spec. Jurga Marija Taraškevičienė




At the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s Vilnius University underwent a complex process of the creation of departments.  For the first time 25 students were admitted to the Lithuanian Language Department of the History and Philology Faculty in 1949 to study journalism. Three years later the Journalism Department was established. From 1970 to 1991, the Journalism Department was part of the History Faculty. In 1985-1991, there were two independent journalism departments – the Press Journalism Department and the Radio and Television Journalism Department.  

In 1991, the Press Journalism and Radio and Television Journalism departments were merged into the Institute of Journalism of the Communication Faculty of Vilnius University. This reshuffle was part of the formation of the Communication Faculty.  The Institute of Journalism was then one of  four sub-divisions of the Faculty. Now the Faculty comprises seven sub-divisions.

The mission of the Institute of Journalism is to train highly qualified information and communication professionals and bring together experts engaged in journalism and media research. Journalism studies are based on research, monitoring and analysis of media systems. This provides a solid theoretical and practical basis for journalism studies and gives researchers a possibility to explore the changes of journalism processes, understand them from the point of view of the youngest generation. 

Science and research

Research branches

Since 2012 the Institute of Journalism has been carrying out research entitled “Changes in the Lithuanian Media in the Light of Convergence”. This research is part of the Communication Faculty’s research programme, which is aimed at investigating changes in modern media, the mass media and journalism brought about by the latest technologies as well as transformation in communication, information dissemination and public awareness. These issues are discussed at scientific conferences and in various publications dedicated to changes in the media and journalism.

“Research on Changes in the Periodical Media and Research on the Sources of the Periodical Press” was carried out from 2008 until to the end of 2011. The research was aimed at examining the latest changes in the media and journalism through the relationship between public information and audiences as well as the ethics, influence and management of public information; systematizing and preparing for publication the historic sources of the periodical press.

Research “Shift in the Lithuanian Media System in 1995-2007”, which started in 2003, focused on changes in the development of the Lithuanian media system and its tendencies. The research was finished by the end of 2007.    

Two researches entitled “The Spread of Periodical Publications in Lithuania” and “The Media and Public Campaigns” were carried out in 2000-2002. The first focused on changes in the spread of   periodical publications in Lithuanian regions and the emergence of new press publications. The second looked into the details of the involvement of various Lithuanian media types, such as press, radio and television in public campaigns  and offered ways to increase the effectiveness of their activity. 

Scientific events

  • International scientific conference "Interaction of Media and Politics in the Baltic States", 7–8th May 2015, Vilnius.
  • International scientific conference "Media and Freedom of Speech. Controversies and Social Clashes", 24–25th October 2013, Vilnius.
  • National scientific conference “Turinio kokybės problema žiniasklaidoje” [The Problem of Content Quality in the Media], 24th October 2012, Vilnius.
  • National scientific conference “Žiniasklaida ir žurnalistika tradicinėje ir tinklaveikos visuomenėse. Kaitos aspektas” [The Media and Journalism in Traditional and Network Society. The Aspect of Change], 23th November 2011, Vilnius.
  • National scientific conference “Žiniasklaidos modelių transformacija skaitmeninėje terpėje” [Transformation of Media Models in Digital Environment], 12th May 2010, Vilnius.
  • National scientific conference “Sociali ir asociali žurnalistikos dimensija šiuolaikinėje masinėje komunikacijoje” [Social and Anti-social Dimension of Journalism in Modern Mass Communication] dedicated to commemorate the 100th anniversary of journalist Juozas Prunskas,  7th December 2007, Vilnius.
  • National scientific conference “Ties Mažąja Lietuva: požiūris į tradicijų ištakas ir gyvybingą paveldą” [Glance at Lithuania Minor: Exploring the Origins of Traditions and Vibrant Heritage], 13th May 2003, Kudirkos Naumiestis.
  • National scientific conference “Lietuvių periodikai – 180 metų” [The Lithuanian Periodical Press marks the 180th Anniversary], 12th November 2003, Vilnius.


 Continuous and periodical scientific publications

  • The Institute of Journalism publishes the scientific journal Žurnalistikos Tyrimai (Journalism Research). The publication’s content is prepared by an international editorial staff (http://www.journalism.vu.lt/). 

Major publications


  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. Vieši Seimo ryšiai su visuomene [The Seimas' Public Relations and Society] / Vilnius: VU publishing house, 2014. 388 p. ISBN 978-609-459-297-3.
  • Medijos, žiniasklaida, žurnalistika tradicinėje ir tinklaveikos visuomenėje [Media, the Mass Media and Journalism in the Traditional and Network Society] (ed. Žygintas Pečiulis) / Vilnius, 2012. 364 p. ISBN 978-609-459-083-2.
  • MARTIŠIUS, Mantas. (Ne)akivaizdus karas: nagrinėjant informacinį karą [(Non)Obvious War: Analysis of Information Warfare] /  Vilnius: Versus Aureus, 2010. 376 p. ISBN 978-9955-34-290-8.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. Spaudos ir valstybės santykiai [Relationship between Press and State] / Vilnius, 1999.

Peer-reviewed scientific articles

  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Digital era: from mass media towards a mass of media / Filosofija. Sociologija, 2016. Vol. 27. No. 3, p. 238–246.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Reduction of liberalism in Lithuanian media policy / Central European Journal of Communication, 2016, 9 (17), p. 164–179.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Lietuvos televizijos vaidybinės programos medijų adaptavimo ir konvergencijos aspektu (1957–1967) / Informacijos mokslai. 2015, Vol. 71, p. 35–49.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Vienetiškumas ir tiražas – kūrybos visuomenės paradoksas / Filosofija. Sociologija. 2015, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 81–85.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. The political (in)dependence of the media in Lithuania. Kwartalnik Nauk o Mediach, 2015 (1).
  • MARTIŠIUS, Mantas. Rusiško informacinio karo bruožai [Traits of the Russian Information Warfare] / Information sciences. 2014, Vol. 69, p. 7–25.
  • MAŽYLĖ, Jolanta. Žiniasklaidos savitvarka: institucijų modeliai ir lietuviškasis status quo [Self-regulation of the media: the institutional model and the Lithuanian status quo] / Journalism research. 2014, No. 7, p. 61–86.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Žiniasklaidos paramos politika Lietuvoje [The Media Support Policy in Lithuania] / Information sciences. 2013, Vol. 63, p. 129–141.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Sovietinės televizijos diskurso daugialypumas: oficialumo ir nuoširdumo drama [Multifacetedness of the Soviet Television Discourse: the Balance between Being Official and Genuine] / Information sciences. 2013, Vol. 63, p. 113–128.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. The Parliament's Public Relations in Terms of Political Journalism / Journalism Research. 2013, No. 6, p. 63–89.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Savavališkos mirties paskatos žurnalistikoje [Incitement of Self-Willed Death in Journalism] / Journalism Research. 2012, No. 5, p. 25–52.
  • MARTIŠIUS, Mantas. Komunikacinės progresijos konstravimas informaciniame kare [Construction of Communicative Progression in Information Warfare] / Journalism Research. 2012, No. 5, p. 183–205.
  • MAŽYLĖ, Jolanta. Atsakingos žiniasklaidos sistemos: teorinės prieigos ir situacija Lietuvos regionų spaudoje [Responsible Media Systems: Theoretic Access and the Status of the Lithuanian Regional Press] / Journalism Research. 2012, No. 5, p. 126–144.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Televizija ir valstybė: sąveikos metamorfozės [Television and the State: Metamorphosis of Interaction] / Agora: Studies of Political Communication. 2012, No. 1, p. 11–24.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. Parlamentinės valstybės informacijos politikos problema – “projektų visuomenės” link [Problem of Information Politics of Parliamentary State – towards the “Project Society”] / Parliament studies. 2012, No. 12, p. 126–162.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Lietuvos žiniasklaidos sistemos modelio bruožai [The Features of the Lithuanian Media System Model] / Information sciences. 2011, Vol. 55, p. 52–70.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Daugiaterpiškumo kolizija medijose: technologinės raidos aspektas [Collision of Multimedia in the Media: Aspect of Technological Development] / Information Science. 2011, Vol. 57, p. 74–87.
  • DONAUSKAITĖ, Džina. Politikos žurnalistika. Lietuvos žiniasklaidos elito nuomonių analizė [Journalism of Politics. Analysis of the Opinions of Lithuanian Media Elite] / Journalism Research. 2010, No. 3, p. 53–78.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Mission (Im)possible. The Case of Lithuanian Public Service Broadcasting. Central European Journal of Communication. 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1(4), p. 81–94.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. Dienorasčio žanras žurnalistinės kaitos dramose [Genre of Diary in the Dramas of Shift in Journalism] / Journalism Research. 2010, No. 3, p. 191–207.
  • GUDAUSKAS, Andrius. Komunikacinė meditacija, arba kinas kaip filosofinė struktūra. Kino režisieriaus A. Tarkovskio ir filosofo G. Deleuze’o sankirta [Communicative Meditation or Cinema as Philosophical Structure. The Meeting Point of Film Director A. Tarkovsky and Philosopher G. Deleuze] / Information science. 2009, Vol. 51, p. 9–23.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Žiniasklaidos organizacijos nuosavybės struktūros ir žiniasklaidos priemonės naujienų šališkumo ryšys [Connection between the Ownership Structure of Media Organization and the Partiality of News] / Information science. 2009, Vol. 51, p. 124–143.
  • MAŽYLĖ, Jolanta. Teisės ir etikos normų taikymas Lietuvos žurnalistų ir leidėjų etikos kodekse [The Application of Law and Ethics Norms in the Ethics Code of Lithuanian Journalists and Publishers] / Information science. 2009, Vol. 51, p. 103–124.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Žiniasklaida ir žurnalistika daugiaterpės raiškos eroje [The Media and Journalism in the Era of Multimedia Expression] / Information science. 2009, Vol. 51, p. 38–54.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Realybės stilistika televizijoje: visuomenės transformacijų atspindys [Reality Stylistics in Television: The Reflection of Society Transformations] / Information science. 2009, Vol. 48, p. 82–99.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. University Journalism Study Programme in the Context of Higher Education and Science / Journalism research. 2009, No. 2, p. 81–97.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. CASUS BELLI problema Vinco Kudirkos publicistikoje [CASUS BELLI Problem in the Publications by Vincas Kudirka] / Book science. 2009, Vol. 52, p. 126–135.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. Nusidavimai mūsų periodikos raidoje: draudimų diegimas, draudimų vengimas, draudimų tradicijos kūrimas [Events in The Evolution of our Periodicals: Implementation of Prohibitions, Avoidance of Prohibitions, Creation of Prohibition Tradition] / Journalism Research. 2008, No. 1, p. 64–80.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Technologinių naujovių iššūkiai ir tradicinės televizijos kaita [Challenges of Technological Novelties and the Shift in Traditional Television] / Information science. 2006, Vol. 36, p. 83–94.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Televizijos vaidmenys visuomenėje: formalusis ir neformalusis instituciškumas [The Roles of Television in the Society: Formal and Non-formal Institutionalism] / Philosophy. Sociology. 2005, Vol. 4, p. 29–34.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Žodžio dramaturgija televizijoje ir demokratijos procesas [The Dramaturgy of a Word in Television and the Process of Democracy] / Political science. 2004, Vol. 4(36), p. 59–77.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Europos visuomeninės televizijos koncepcijos genezė ir perspektyvos [Genesis of the Conception of European Public Television and Perspectives] / Information science. 2003, Vol. 27, p. 40–51.
  • VAIŠNYS, Andrius. The Press and the State: Special Activities of Polish Journalists in Lithuania in the Thirties of the XX c / Information science. 2003, Vol. 25, p. 119–126.


  • The project of “Nordplus Horizontal” program “Connecting the Nordic and Baltic region for achieving excellence in cross-media innovation and journalism education” NPHZ-2016/10021.

The duration of project is 2016 June - 2017 May. The aim of the project is to work in a cross-sectoral network that develops a model for a new MA study programme in cross-media innovation and journalism education that spans traditionally separate teaching areas and could be the basis of a MA curriculum in the different institutions/countries. The developed model will fill a gap in higher education for media professionals as well as media scholars. It should prepare students for a cross-media working environment in which entrepreneurship, innovative thinking and an understanding of the changing market environment are crucial. Partner of the project is assoc. prof. dr. Deimantas Jastramskis.

  • The project sponsored by Research Council of Lithuania “Creation and application of methodology for identification of propaganda techniques”.

The participant (2015-2016) and the manager (2016 November) of the project is prof. Andrius Vaišnys.

  • The project sponsored by the European Commission “Focus on Migrants: Training for Media Representatives and Students and Enhancing Competences”.

The project’s duration – 1 November 2010 to 31 December 2011. The project’s coordinator –  senior specialist Giedrė Grybauskaitė. The project’s developers – the Independent Journalism Centre of Budapest, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Budapest, the Soros Foundation Romania, the Philosophy and Sociology Institute of the University of Latvia, IOM Riga, IOM Vilnius, the New Prague School, IOM Prague, Milan Simecka Foundation and IOM Bratislava. The project was designed to help journalists and journalism students as well as migrants to better understand the issues that are vital to the citizens of third countries, such as integration, migration, etc.   The project sought to improve the quality of information provided to the public through the media about migration in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. In the framework of the project Budapest hosted the international conference “Promoting the Integration of Migrants in the Media and through the Intercultural Dialogue” and a documentary film competition for students dedicated to the themes of migration and integration. On 3-4 November 2011, Lithuania held two training seminars to teach journalists, the representatives of the media covering immigration issues and journalism students how to highlight migration issues in detail and objectively.

  • The project dedicated to a unique phenomenon – the secret publication and distribution of government-banned literature in the former Soviet Union (called savilaida in Lithuanian or samizdat in Russian).

The project involved the digitalisation of historical material, its publication and research. The duration of the project: 2007-2008. The project’s manager – Dr. Egidijus Jaseliūnas. The project’s developers – the Institute of Journalism of the Communication Faculty and the History Faculty of Vilnius University. The project’s objective was to make these publicationsfully accessible to researchers and the public, to systemise them and compile a database of historical sources. The project led to the creation of the internet website Savilaida.lt, which featured textual and visual information about the underground press published in Lithuania during the years of Soviet occupation. The website posts authentic dissident publications and diverse historical material, revealing the most important facts of the underground press. 

Studies and training

Scientist training

The objective of doctoral studies in communication and information is to train qualified scientists able to independently carry out research in communication and information and deal with communication and information problems in other scientific fields. A graduate of the doctoral course in communication and information is a competent and critical thinker, who pursues a career in research, applied sciences, academic and other fields. 

Forthcoming dissertations

  • Mindaugas Savickas, Darnaus vystymosi diskursas Lietuvos interneto žiniasklaidoje [Discourse of "Sustainable Development" in Lithuanian Online News Media], acceded 2013, academic supervisor – assoc. prof. dr. Deimantas Jastramskis.
  • Jurgita Tillenius, Radijo kaitos Lietuvoje kultūrinis ir edukacinis veiksniai, acceded 2011, academic supervisor – prof. dr. Andrius Vaišnys.
  • Valius Venckūnas, Politinė LDK paveldo komunikacija Lietuvoje ir Baltarusijoje [Political Communication of Heritage of Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Lithuania and Belarus], acceded 2015, academic supervisor – prof. dr. Andrius Vaišnys. 

Prepared dissertations (from 1991)

  • Mantas BražiūnasŽurnalistikos laukas okupuotoje Lietuvoje (1940–1944) [The Journalistic Field in Occupied Lithuania, 1940–1944], 2017 06 27.
  • Viktor Denisenko, Rusijos periodinės spaudos požiūris į Baltijos šalis geopolitinių pokyčių kontekste (1991–2009) [The Image of the Baltic States in Russian Periodical Press in Context of Geopolitical Changes (1991-2009)], 2016 02 25.

  • Džina Donauskaitė, Žiniasklaidos vaidmuo skurdo mažinimo politikoje: Lietuvos interneto dienraščių 2008 m. ekonominės krizės metu atvejis [Media's Role in Poverty Reduction Policy: Case of Lithuania's Internet Dailies during Economic Crisis of 2008], 2015 02 02.

  • Jolita Linkevičiūtė-Rimavičienė, Kultūrinės tapatybės konstravimas programiniuose lietuvių periodinės spaudos tekstuose [Construction of the Cultural Identity in the Programmatic Texts of Lithuanian Periodical Press], 2012 06 29.

  • Jolanta Mažylė, Teisės ir etikos problemos Lietuvos regioninėje periodikoje (2000–2010) [Problems of Law and Eethics in the Regional Periodical Press of Lithuania (2000-2010)], 2012 06 19.

  • Aurelija Juodytė, Manipuliaciniai scenarijai naujienų vadyboje: žurnalistų profesinių vertybių tyrimas [Manipulative Scenarios in News Management: Research of Journalists’ Professional Values], 2011 11 15.

  • Deimantas Jastramskis, Žiniasklaidos organizacijos nuosavybės struktūros ir žiniasklaidos priemonės šališkumo raiškos santykis (Lietuvos nacionalinių dienraščių tyrimas 2004 m. Lietuvos Prezidento rinkimų kampanijos metu [The Relation between the Ownership Structure of the Media Organization and the Expression of Media Partiality (Research of Lithuanian National Dailies throughout the 2004 Lithuanian Presidential Election Campaign)], 2010 01 20.

  • Mantas Martišius, Informacinio karo poveikis Lietuvos masinės komunikacijos priemonėms (antrojo Persijos įlankos karo kontekste) [The Impact of the Information Warfare on the Mass Media of Lithuania (in the Context of Second Persian Gulf War)], 2007 05 14.

  • Andrius Vaišnys, Spaudos ir valstybės santykiai Lietuvoje 1918–1940 [Relations between Press and the State in Lithuania 1918-1940], 2003 03 24.

  • Elena Martinonienė, Lietuvos kriminalinės žurnalistikos veiklos ir teisėsaugos informacijos pateikimo žiniasklaidoje teisinis reglamentavimas visuomenės informavimo tobulinimo aspektu [Legal Regulation of the Lithuanian Criminal Journalist Initiatives and Presentation of Law Enforcement Information in the Media with Respect to Public Information Development], 2002 06 28.

  • Audronė Nugaraitė, Lietuvos žinybinės spaudos raidos ir funkcionavimo ypatumai (1945-1992)[ Lithuanian Departmental Press Development and Functioning Peculiarities (1945-1992)], 1993 10 28.

Textbooks and training tools 

  • MAŽYLĖ, Jolanta. Informaciniai žurnalistiniai tekstai ir jų žanrai [Information Journalistic Texts and Genres] / Vilnius, electronic source. 2015.
  • JASTRAMSKIS, Deimantas. Žiniasklaidos ekonomika ir vadyba. Įvadas. [Economics and Management of Media. Introduction] / Vilnius, VU publishing house. 2013.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Iki ir po televizijos; žvilgsnis į XX amžiaus audiovizualinės masinės komunikacijos fenomeną. [Life before and after Television; The Outlook towards the Phenomenon of The Audiovisual Massive Communication of the 20th Century] / Vilnius: Versus Aureus. 2007.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Efektyvi komunikacija. [Effective Communication] / Vilnius, Versus Aureus. 2004.
  • PEČIULIS, Žygintas. Televizijos žurnalistika. [Television Journalism] / Vilnius, VU publishing house. 2002.